
 Customer Testimonial: Pfanzelt Maschinenbau GmbHSince 1991, Pfanzelt Maschinenbau from the Allgäu region in Germany has been known for its innovative forestry and municipal technology. With a broad product portfolio – including forestry winches, forwarding trailers, forest crawlers, and more – Pfanzelt provide customized solutions for professional and semi-professional users worldwide. The level of in-house production is remarkable: around 180 employees cover a large part of the manufacturing process themselves, combining expertise with a high degree of automation. The best example of the modern, highly automated machinery park is a newly built production hall, commissioned in 2023. Across 3,000 square meters, the company has reorganized goods receiving and dispatch, pre-assembly, storage, and also a part of its machinery equipment. Both the starting point and the final destination of parts in the new hall is a large STOPA tower storage system, standing 18 meters high, with 2,679 storage locations. This storage system also supplies the newly established cutting area, as the storage equipment is integrated with MicroStep’s MSLoad material handling system. The system feeds two MicroStep cutting machines and, in most cases, can also automatically store the processed parts after cutting. Later, at the parts' assembly stage, these parts are automatically retrieved from the storage based on information from MicroStep's advanced production management system CyberFab Manager, and transported to subsequent workplaces in the hall. For cutting, Pfanzelt use MicroStep´s 2D laser cutting machine MSF Pro and a 3D plasma cutting machine MG, both integrated with a single MSLoad automatic loader. While the 2D fiber laser is exclusively designed for sheet metal, the 3D plasma machine can also process pipes, and features additional drilling, tapping, and countersinking technologies. The result is a customized automation project, seamlessly integrating machinery, control systems, and interfaces with the STOPA system for optimal more
 Oxyfuel bevel cuttingOxyfuel rotator for weld preparation especially on thick metals is well suited for cutting a great range of bevel shapes including internal contours, variable bevels and multiple bevel contours Y, X or K. The bevel head utilizes MicroStep's patented ACTG® technology that ensures long-term beveling accuracy while significantly simplifying setup and maintenance of the head. When used with ABP® technology, oxyfuel rotator has several advantages – cutting additional bevels in thick steels (~ 250 mm) with bevel angles up to 60° without excessive waste material around the parts, smaller heat affected more

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