Ready to accept new challenges

The robust, multi-functional DRM machine with plate, tube and beam cutting is the latest MicroStep addition to Gotech´s machine pool
Located in the north of Poland near the border with Germany, Gotech has been building components and whole installations for power and offshore industries as well as turnkey industrial plants. Since its founding in 1990, the company has completed, among other things, wind farm structures, furnaces, boilers, incineration plants and production plants all around Europe.

Gotech’s DRM 12001.55BGISPpk is equipped with a 26 kW drill capable of drilling up to Ø40 mm and automatic tool exchange with a linear magazine with 8 positions, a straight oxyfuel tool station and a 90° plasma rotator with enhanced stroke aided by a laser scanner, and an inkjet marker.

Following the company vision of continual growth and meeting the ever increasing expectations of their customers, Gotech decided in 2018 to expand its plasma and oxyfuel cutting capabilities and improve the overall production performance. MicroStep’s EasyCut machine they have in production since 2006 left a good impression so the accomplished builders approached MicroStep again.

The machine Gotech originally considered was ProfileCut – a dedicated CNC plate and beam cutting center. Due to the required gantry width and other factors, it was decided the DRM machine type would be the optimum choice. DRM machines possess the sturdiest construction of all MicroStep machines and are therefore are the best choice for heavy duty production facilities.

The heavy duty machine enables Gotech to cut pipes with diameters up to 1 000 mm, cut plates up to 60 mm thick with plasma and up to 200 mm with oxyfuel as well as to drill, on a work area of 12 x 3 m.

And the needs of Gotech were nothing if not heavy duty. Their requirements demanded a pipe cutting channel for cutting of pipes with diameters up to 1 000 mm plus plasma cutting of plates up to 60 mm thick and oxyfuel cutting up to 200 mm as well as drilling on a work area of 12 x 3 m. Side by side, the two cutting zones and a parking zone for the multiple tool stations make for a gantry of considerable width. Combined with the weight of the tools stations and the need to withstand both vibrations from drilling and the heat produced by the cutting, the resulting work conditions are demanding – exactly what the DRM line has been designed for.

The rotator can reach around large steel beams to make precise cuts. The accompanying ACTG® unit makes sure the cutting system compensates for any minor deviation in the plasma rotator’s and the scanner’s kinematic chains and measures the length of drill bits after each tool exchange.

The resulting DRM 12001.55BGISPpk is equipped with a 26 kW drill capable of drilling up to Ø40 mm and automatic tool exchange with a linear magazine with 8 positions. A straight oxyfuel tool station and a 90° plasma rotator take care of cutting. The rotator, powered by Kjellberg’s HiFocus 360i neo plasma source and with enhanced stroke can reach around large steel beams to make precise cuts. It is aided by a laser scanner that detects the true shape of beams and profiles to account for any deviations from their ideal shapes. This combination also allows Gotech to utilize MicroStep’s patented Additional Beveling Process. Another MicroStep’s patent employed on the machine, the ACTG®, stands for auto-calibration of tool geometry and, as the name implies, makes sure the cutting system compensates for any minor deviation in the plasma rotator’s and the scanner’s kinematic chains and even measures the length of drill bits inserted in the drilling tool station after each exchange. Finally, an inkjet marker stands ready to draw lines, letters and numbers to help direct each part to its correct place in another of Gotech’s successful projects.

With their new machine, Gotech increased its capabilities and production performance and is now able to undertake new production projects that were not possible in house before.

With their new machine, Gotech increased its capabilities and production performance, with the ability to cut pipes, 50 mm thick stainless steel, drill and bevel. The company is able to undertake new production projects that were not possible in house before.

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