Full steam ahead

For 150 years, the company Železničné opravovne a strojárne Zvolen, a. s. has been breathing new life into old locomotives and wagons from Slovakia and abroad. Since 2015, a modern, world-class cutting machine from the company MicroStep has been helping them in this task.
Železničné opravovne a strojárne Zvolen a. s. (Railway repair and machine works Zvolen, Inc.) is located in the heart of central Slovakia and is the largest company providing maintenance and modernization of railway rolling stock with a 150-year tradition in this area. In order to be able to meet the diverse demands of customers and manage the repairs of a wide portfolio of different types of locomotives and wagons, the company has extremely high demands on technology. Attention is paid to accuracy, speed and especially flexibility.

In 2015, when they were looking for a versatile large-area sheet metal processing machine, it didn't take a short time to find the right machine. Due to the high demands, each purchase is preceded by a rigorous selection procedure. From the competitive negotiation that defined the technical parameters of the required machine, MicroStep came out victorious after a long consideration. They got the first place after repeatedly proving that they can adjust their equipment to exactly meet the customer's needs.

Thanks to this, a flexible CNC plasma cutting machine of the MG series became a reliable part of the ŽOS workshop. Specifically, it is the MG 12001.25 PrkMB, a versatile device designed to combine maximum efficiency and flexibility in one place. Thanks to a working surface 12 500 mm long and 2 500 mm wide, master repairmen are able to work with large parts of locomotives and wagons. The specialty of this machine is the plasma R5 rotator, which allows sheet metal cutting at an angle of up to 50°, which is an essential part of weld edge preparation. The possibility of bevel cutting directly on this machine eliminates lengthy material processing at several workplaces. The plasma source is the HiFocus 440i from the manufacturer of plasma technology Kjellberg Finsterwalde.

The fully automatic drilling head with a power of 26 kW is capable of drilling holes up to 40 mm in diameter and threads up to M33. Two magazines for drilling tools with automatic exchange enable fast realization of complex drilling tasks. The built-in ink marker is a very efficient solution to mark individual cut parts and thus facilitate their further processing.

High accuracy is ensured by the patented automatic calibration system ACTG® from MicroStep. This system measures even the smallest deviations in tool positioning and automatically corrects them.

The long-term goal of ŽOS Zvolen, a. s is to gain a foothold in foreign markets and increase it technical capability to repair and modernize the new generation of Western-made rolling stock. MicroStep is proud to help them get there.
Link: www.zoszv.sk

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