MicroStep technologies for the Hungarian market: Open Day for Froweld 2022

During June 1 – 2, 2022 MicroStep took the opportunity to meet the entire team of Froweld Kft. in a refreshing event in MicroStep headquarters and R&D center in Bratislava, Slovakia.

Open Day 2022 @ MicroStep Administrative and Development Center in Bratislava was attended by 26 emloyees of MicroStep's Hungarian representative Froweld Kft.

Hungary, thanks to its close proximity to Slovakia, historical connections and shared economy space within V4 has been a traditional market for MicroStep since our very early days. The first MicroStep CNC cutting machine was installed in the city of Szombathely in the west of the country as early as 1996, soon followed by a second machine for the same customer who was active in the transport industry.

Since then, the amount of supplied machines steadily increased year by year and MicroStep was able to deliver a whole range of different solutions from small-sized plasma machines to large-scale multifunctional cutting centres utilising plasma, fiber laser, oxyfuel and waterjet technologies to customers from different fields of the metalworking and other industries. At present, there are more than 100 MicroStep machines operating across Hungary including complex dome cutting solutions that utilise mScan technology for 3D mapping of real dome shapes, applications of combined fiber laser machines for plates and pipes with automatic material feeding and several double-gantry machines with plasma bevel and oxyfuel technologies. MicroStep's first application of oxyfuel triple torch was also delivered for a Hungarian customer.

Among the different types of technological heads, also the latest type of oxyfuel triple torch was live in action at Open Day 2022.

Since mid 2000's MicroStep is represented in Hungary by Froweld Kft., a company serving more than 600 local customers with welding and cutting products, targeting predominantly suppliers for the automotive industry, steel construction producers, heavy machinery building companies and steel service centers. The country in home to subsidiaries or suppliers of several renowned brands from automotive and other industries that also provide basis for building out the MicroStep brand internationally. With 6 sales managers and 7 service and application technicians, Froweld is well versed to support MicroStep installations that are spread out across all parts Hungary.

The visitors had an opportunity to see all supplied cutting technologies: fiber laser, plasma, oxyfuel, waterjet – all of them in 3D, and also CNC drilling

On June 1 – 2, 2022 MicroStep welcomed Froweld in and Open Day event at MicroStep headquarters and R&D center in Bratislava. A team of 26 Froweld employees from several departments had the opportunity to meet MicroStep workforce in interdepartmental meetings and familiarize themselves with MicroStep products in a company tour and live demontrations in our development halls. Thorughout the day, the range of MicroStep activities was presented and ideas were exchanged on further tightening the cooperation and addressing the current markets. The agenda was traditionally rounded off by a relaxing evening program.

An event in MicroStep wouldn't be accomplished without traditional Slovakian cuisine and light evening activities.

We wish Froweld a lot of success and continuation of the steady trend in supplying MicroStep technologies to the Hungarian market.

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