MicroStep @ 2nd Symposium on Innovation and Technology Transfer China + 16 CEEC in Bratislava

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2nd Symposium on Innovation, Cooperation in Technology and International Transfer of Technology China + 16 CEEC Format was held on 20. – 23.9.2015 in four Slovak cities – Bratislava, Žilina, Trenčín and Nitra. The international event was hosted by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, Slovak-Sino Chamber of Commerce and Slovak Centre for Scientific and Technical Information and attended by delegations of researchers, government officials, experts and managers from China and 16 CEE countries. Grand opening of the event was held at a gala dinner with the presence of Slovak Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sport Mr. Juraj Draxler (who held a welcoming speech together with the head of Chinese delegation Mr. Zhang Jian) and the Ambassador of the People´s Republic of China in Slovakia, Mr. Pan Weifang.

With the aim of sharing successful experiences and exploring future cooperation with colleagues from China, Central and Eastern European Countries, the Symposium provided many opportunities for government officials, experts and managers in the field of innovation & technology cooperation and international technology transfer to develop mutually beneficial relationships and to exchange knowledge and ideas. The individual panel sections were devoted to vivid contemporary topics such as nanotechnologies, mobility for the 21st century, smart cities, IT in the public sector, support of Startups, smart production systems and biotechnologies.

Michal Kováč, Head of MicroStep´s Sales and Marketing team, held a panel talk in Bratislava on the topics of technology transfer, cooperation with universities in R&D and MicroStep´s business model in the Chinese market.
Along with officials from national and government institutions both from China and Slovakia, the Symposium was attended by numerous representatives of educational institutions and multinational as well as Slovak companies such as Huawei, KPMG, EY, Matador Group, CEIT Group, First Welding Company and others.

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