Students in Detva, Slovakia tried out a welding simulator and assembled a 3D Eiffel Tower model that was cut on a MicroStep machine.
What does MicroStep do? What is the purpose of our work? These and many other questions were answered directly by our colleagues during an Open Day event at the Joint Vocational School in Detva, a city which is an important economic and cultural hub in the middle of Slovakia – and, coincidently, located just a few miles from MicroStep's biggest production plant.
The school ranks among most important high schools in the region. It deals with professional vocational training, the objective of which is to educate and prepare experts for practice in the fields of engineering, automotive industry and services.

In order to reach out to potential students, the school organized an Open Day in its premises with workshops on November 29, 2022, that was attended by aspiring students of regional schools. The goal was to motivate the youth to continue their education here by pointing out good opportunities for employment after graduation and to promote positives, perks and benefits of dual education.
Several partners of the school, including MicroStep, were given the opportunity to present advantages of dual education with local companies. MicroStep's experts from production briefly introduced MicroStep, our activities, portfolio, references from all over the world and, last but not least, job application possibilities at Microstep. One must say that the students were intrigued by the products that are cut on MicroStep machines – parts of planes and ships, or, for instance, a miniature of Eiffel Tower, which represented the practical part of the presentation. The students participated by assembling the Eiffel Tower, which consisted of several cut-out parts that had to be correctly put together to create a complete 3D miniature. In addition to that, thanks to other partners, students also tried welding using a welding simulator. The practical tasks indeed became one of the most interesting parts of the event.

We would like to thank all the students who participated in the event. MicroStep wishes them many further academic successes and, above all, the right decision when choosing a secondary school. We believe that the presented information about the school, the method of education and the school's partners will make the decision for them easier.