Complex cutting all-rounder

MicroStep´s flagship MG redesigned and more powerful than ever

The machine has it all: a high-end design with a long tradition in the field counting hundreds of successful installations, outstanding dynamics and precision, a great variety of equipment to choose from with dozens of functions. For the moment it is the most popular MicroStep machine and it gets all the attention it deserves as it represents crème de la crème of the MicroStep cutting philosophy.

The abrupt development of cutting technologies, especially on the plasma side, which has occurred in recent years, has also brought new challenges for design of cutting machines. The ever growing cutting capacities with more powerful plasma sources and heavier torches on one side were accompanied with new technologies for finer edge finish of holes and small contours and increased cutting speeds that put greater demands on mechanics and motion and process control. At the same time, modernisation of several types of MicroStep´s tool stations (bevelling tool station, oxy triple torch tool station, drilling tool station) resulted in a new generation of equipment with improved functionality, but also heavier execution. In order to address the new requirements and provide necessary dynamic properties the whole MG machine got a new, reinforced design: the sideway consoles were extended to support the more robust and stiffer gantry, the machine frame and guideline system were reinforced for the sake of stability during rapid positioning. The drive system has also been modified with stiffer gears and stronger motors. All in all the changes gave our machine a more robust, however not less dynamic look. When observing the two generations of MGs side by side, the design change is obvious.

Yet it is the capabilities that count: a combination of high-precision cutting up to 250 mm, marking, drilling up to Ø40 mm, tapping up to M33 and countersinking in various types of materials (including sheets, pipes and domes) with great dimension range using only one single machine is a concept that makes MG a top performer ahead of its class.

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