Demänovská dolina is a village located in a valley of the same name in the central part of the Low Tatras in the north of Slovakia. Its picturesque surroundings are an internationally known center for summer and winter tourism and winter sports. The famous Demänovské Caves are also located here.
On September 7 to 9, 2022, the professional public had an extra reason to visit Demänovská dolina. Here, Skúšobná organizácia č. 10 (Examination organization no. 10) in cooperation with the certification authorities of Prvá zváračská, a. s. (First Welding Company, Inc.) Bratislava organized a meeting of welding school workers and professional workers of companies operating in the field of welding and non-destructive testing (NDT), the PZVAR MEETING 2022.
Prvá zváračská methodically manages almost 80 welding schools and several NDT training centers throughout Slovakia. Its personnel certification body annually certifies several hundred welders, NDT inspection workers and senior welding workers (welding engineers, technologists, specialists). The company also focuses on the certification of manufacturers of steel structures, quality systems for welding, etc.

Experts from these fields have been meeting at the PZVAR MEETING regularly since 2006, with a single break in 2020, forced by the COVID-19 pandemic. They started with 60 - 80 participants but the number has doubled over time. This year, more than 140 guests had the opportunity to listen to 22 presentations over the course of three days and to informally debate with the organizers and lecturers during two social evenings.
Of course, MicroStep representatives could not be missing among them. They contributed to the professional part of the conference with a lecture on the possibilities of automated weld edge preparation and at the same time presented the latest innovations of cutting systems from MicroStep. In return, they learned a lot of interesting things about a wide variety of topics, from welding in the Middle Ages and the modernization of the lock chambers in Gabčíkovo to defectoscopy and technical standards, as well as news from the world of research into new welding methods. Hot industry topics, the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0, were a significant part of several of the lectures.

The company MicroStep also supported the event financially. It was a great investment, which returned to us several times over in the form of new knowledge, valuable personal contacts and pleasant experiences. See you next year!