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WaterCut is a highly precise and reliable waterjet cutting machine designed for 2D waterjet cutting of metallic and non-metallic materials by the water beam of high pressure or a combination of waterjet and plasma. Besides a single tool station, WaterCut can be equipped with a multi-tool station with outer span 1200 mm, carrying up to 4 water jets on a single Z axis, or a small drilling unit for piercing of sandwich materials. It is a precise technology with the possibility to reach the cutting surface of high quality.

Technical parameters

Machine sizes 1.5 x 1.5 m; 1.5 x 3.0 m; 2.0 x 3.0 m; 2.0 x 4.0 m
Max. number of tool stations 2
Max. thickness of material cut by waterjet 150
Bevel cutting yes
Pipe cutting no
Positioning speed  max 56 m/min
Bidirectional repeatability 0.05 mm/m
Please note: The table above shows typical parameters. If you have different requirements, please contact us. All our solutions are tailor-made to customers' needs.

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  • Waterjet Straight Tool Station
  • Waterjet Rotator
  • Machines

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