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MicroMill machines are designed for 3D CNC milling of mild metals, plastics and wood by means of high-revolution spindles. Mechanical construction makes the machines suitable for shape machining of flat parts including parts with bigger dimensions. Utilising MicroMill‘s rugged frame, double-side driven gantry and linear guideline system, the machine proves its very good dynamic properties in various shaping jobs. The material can be fixed on the table with mechanical clamps, or conveniently locked in position on a MDF pad through a vacuum clamping system.

Technical parameters

Working area 3,000 x 1,500 mm
3,000 x 2,000 mm
4,000 x 2,000 mm 
Working height  100 mm (150 mm upon request)
Max. number of tool stations 1
Pipe cutting no
Milling spindles* 3.8 - 10 kW, up to 24,000 rpm
Conical holder type* ISO30
Positioning speed (XY) max 56 m/min
Bidirectional repeatability 0.03 mm/m
*other spindles and conical holder types possible upon request

Please note: The table above shows typical parameters. If you have different requirements, please contact us. All our solutions are tailor-made to customers' needs.

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MicroMill – CNC Router for Soft Materials

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