
MSBend-R series press brakes are designed for simple use, strong performance and precision. They offer high bend accuracy and a repeatability at least five-fold higher than conventional press brakes. Machine is standardly equipped with Delem CNC touch screen control unit and CNC controlled back gauge that automatically adjusts the X axis (back gouge depth) and offer the option of automatic adjustment of the R (back gouge height) axis to ensure that material is always positioned accurately, resulting in higher quality finished parts. MSBend-R series press brake daylight, stroke & throat depth designs are specially for deep bends & long tools.

Standard Machine Features:

Delem touch-screen control unit
CNC controlled back gauge X axis
Mechanical crowning system
Rigid mono-block ST44-steel frame
Universal top and bottom tooling with Promecan clamp
Control unit arm moveable up and down
Robust safety features

Optional Machine Features:

Automatic CNC controlled bottom table crowning 
CNC controlled back gauge X, R axes
Automatic central lubrication

Technical Parameters:

Bending force 400 - 4400 kN
Motor power 4 - 30 kW
Oil tank capacity 80 - 450 liters
Approach speed 80 - 170 mm/s
Working speed 8 - 10 mm/s
Return speed 70 - 130 mm/s
Approx. weight 3.3 - 22 ton
Bending length 1,250 - 4,100 mm
Distance between columns 1,070 - 3,550 mm
Side frame width 1,470 - 2,060 mm
Bed height 800 - 1,005 mm
Daylight opening 455 - 660 mm
Stroke 210 - 320 mm
Table width 60 - 450 mm
Throat gap 410 - 500 mm

If you have any question, please feel free to contact us.

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