FCTM-ESOPE 2025, France

A global and technical approach to boiler, piping, and ESP equipment. Bringing together over 2,000 participants, including manufacturers, integrators, distributors, and stakeholders, this event is the ultimate meeting point for industry professionals. Combining a trade show with the international ESOPE symposium, it fosters connections with clients from sectors such as chemical, petrochemical, nuclear, agri-food, pharmaceutical, oil & gas, hydrogen, transport, and construction. With 100 exhibitors showcasing the latest players and technologies, and two days dedicated to solutions for equipment and their environments, the event offers a comprehensive overview of the industry's advancements.

We cordially invite you to visit our partner at FCTM-ESOPE 2025 from March 25 to 26 in Paris, France. C.S.T.A. is looking forward to see you at their booth C35.

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