Advanced Factories was held for the first time on April 4, 5 and 6, 2017 and became Barcelona’s great week of industrial innovation.
Advanced Factories was created with the aim of being a leading platform to exhibit the innovations of all companies operating within machine-tool, industrial automation, in addition to all technologies that emerge from Industry 4.0. Along the trade show, the largest European congress on industrial innovation, the Industry 4.0 Congress, in which top international experts gave the keys to implement new business models and deepened the most technological trends leading Advanced Industry was held.
During its first edition, Advanced Factories gathered more than 9,000 professionals, over 200 exhibiting companies that showed more than 300 disruptive solutions and 170 international speakers that participated in the Industry 4.0 Congress.
Without any doubt, a great event that boosted the sales of the participating companies, in addition to positioning them as leading companies of the sector.
Visit our partner at Advanced Factories 2018!
MicroStep Spain is looking forward to seeing you at their stand